Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Big White is AWESOME! PUPPying... it is not what you think...

Being the un-creative soul that I am, I write about things that are in my little world - skiing when skiing, hiking in the summer, travel when travelling... you get the picture? Recently the thing that seems to be occupying my limited mind, is my dogs... well not really my dogs but my dogs business...

Wifey (yes the beautiful woman that sacrifices a better life to be with me...) got some new dog food... for the dogs... (in case you were wondering). This dog food is AWESOME! But not in the Big White way, more in the "That dog can produce an awesome amount of..." and the food seems to have some unique qualities that have been observed over recent weeks...

  • Expansion - more comes out of the dogs than goes in...
  • Rapid Processing - er... it moves very quickly from one end to the other.
  • Frequency - not only does more come out, but it comes out more often...



Of course these observations have been taken in a very professional manner... with the typical scientific comments attributed to original research based observations -
  • 'F***ing he**! Again!'
  • 'Why!!!... Why!... Why!!!'
  • 'No, no, no, not there...!'
  • 'Really...? Again... really...?!'
  • 'You only weigh 12lb... how is so much possible...?'
Interestingly both dogs seem to have an uncommonly high poop to bodyweight ratio... AWESOME! 


And being the only one ever taking the dogs out... I have the unique privilege of singularly observing this phenomenon... I am so, so very lucky... And even better the little one has this special skill of shuffling along as he does his business... the single 'pick-up' gets to be four or five pick-ups... AWESOME!


So Puppying is Picking Up Prodigious Poop... again and again and again... The unhappy looking chap walking round with two happy and 'relieved' dogs, and numerous 'bags'... thats me that is...

Sólido Properties, picks-up after both tenants... and dogs... AWESOME!


Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Big White is AWESOME! Cos the people 8... Dobbi...

To his friends, close personal acquaintances, work colleagues, people he barely tolerates, and random people he meets, it is Dobbi... Being in my own special category, I have the privilege of calling him Mr. Shaxted... 

Dobbi is English (you know where the humour comes from... well the funny stuff anyway) and is a level 4... snow shoveler... not bad, however as you know snow shovelling is not an easy discipline, level 4 is really a beginner, Scott (with the attractive orange and green ensemble, shorts and running shoes) is a level 13... snow shoveler...

Scott is demonstrating the correct technique... "Dobbi... the shovel has to go under the snow... under, and you must bend the knees, hips and ankles... not like that, at the same time..."

"Pivot from the waist Dobbi, everything from the hips down must be still... turn it over, and keep the edge parallel with the snow... " ...Good old Scott, he does it for love...

Dobbi has a long path ahead of him, but he is getting there slowly. I am not sure he is ready for the next level, the mental discipline appears lacking... I keep trying to help - "Clear the drive Dobbi, clear the drive..." 
"er... no thanks, I am skiing again..." 

Okay, yes, skiing, so what if he is a level 4 instructor, it only goes up to level 4... snow shovelling... that is the key. It is not like skiing is a career... who does that?

Who would want to go out on a pristine, crystal blue day, perfect corduroy and carve some perfect turns...? 

Or powder...? When all that fluffy stuff just puffs up in front of you, man you can't even feel the snow... it's like floating... who wants to do that...? 

Right Lads. Today we are going to go up the mountain...
 and then er... down... again. Any questions?

Anyway the question of the day  -
'What is the collective term for a group of ski instructors?'

I have no idea... gaggle? Snow-riders...? Hmmm feels more like a group of snowboarders... ...they could be knuckle-draggers tho...

How about a Carver of instructors... eh?
And look here we have Mr. Shaxted (Dobbi to his friends) sticking his bum in the snow. Now I would normally think of something cutting and witty to say about this... but er... can't right now... I may get back to you.

Another shot of him not practicing his snow shovelling technique...

Would this be called Headging? Get it...? I combined his Head Skis with the extreme ski-edge he is on... good eh? What...? I can explain my wordplay if I want... Yes I can... YES... I can...


What else? Oh yes, Big White got lots of powder again today look. That is me that is. True! But they must have photoshopped a different helmet... and ski poles... and jacket... oh and the goggles are different too... oh yes and they put me on a different part of the mountain and they obviously adjusted my stance... but definitely me.

Pitch - yes you can switch off now.
Sólido Properties owns, manages, rents properties at Big White; complains about tenants writes a crappy blog, drinks and gives away (less now) beer, and skis AWESOME! I mean, I have, AWESOME skis :)

Oh and next time... marketing... again... maybe.

Monday, 3 February 2014

Big White is AWESOME! Under Armo(d)ur

Not really.

But did you see the Under Armour latest advertisement? Yes it was filmed at Big White! How cool is that? Yes I know very cool! And you know who that snowboarder was? Yours Truly... has no idea either, but if you find out please email the knowledge to -


I have been working hard on doing some marketing for Big White, I said to Michael J "Hey Mikey, dude... how have you been...?" Well I would of done if he was there... and would look at me... and liked me... and I didn't have that restraining order thingy. It was one minor incident, kind of... that broke the proverbial camels back... the other six incidents... yeah, not so much.

Anyway, marketing... I have come up with a brilliant new slogan for Big White this year! Yes, me, all by myself. Instead of 'It's the snow!' 

It took huge amounts of blood, sweat, and tears... and some recreational drugs also... to create...

'It's the (only) snow!' 

Now, you would think I could access some basic software that would allow me to photoshop the word 'Only' onto the graphic and get rid of the phone number. I would have done that... but you know the drugs thing... I ran out.

Brilliant! Don't you think? Cos you know, Big White has the only snow on the whole planet! True! Well, apart from the other ski resorts with snow.

Two blogs in a day...? That is Twice! I have not done twice in a day since... well probably my twenties anyway :)

Big White is AWESOME! Seasonal Staff & Beer to give away...

Mid Season Blues...
So here we are start of February and the mid season blues seem to have hit a few of my tenants.

I mentioned I occasionally bring tenants beer...? The good tenants... the ones that pay on time? Of course there is the occasional hiccup, when things happen beyond control... force majeure (French) in latin casus fortuitus... ooh Lummy Pie, big words there... Emergency dental work maybe... buying a new car... er... not so much.

Serious bit - bit boring really but... you know... You can look at this picture instead...

Owners have their beautiful property, proud of it, maybe they are not using it this year... maybe they will rent to seasonal staff - but you know, nice ones. Cos they have $100's of thousands invested - furnishings to electronics, artwork to appliances. They have mortgages to pay, strata, utilities, hot-tub maintenance, cable, internet... tons of stuff. So, they say to me, find some good tenants... okay, I will... maybe...

So I try. 
At the beginning it is all "we are the best tenants ever..." "we won't trash the place..." "we will pay our rent on time..." "we won't have parties..." "we are looking for a quiet place..." Really...? "Yes Mr. Pickles... we promise... :)"
"Do you have a reference from your last landlord?"
"Well, no... you see what happened... there was this party..."

So... half way through the season and we have got over some of the bigger celebrations...
  • Aussie Day...!!! Yay...! Let's drink beer!
  • New Year...!!! Yay...! Let's get drink champagne... and beer!
  • Christmas...!!! Yay...! Let's get drink wine, beer and shots!
  • Season has started...!!! Yay...! Let's get drunk!
  • It has snowed...!!! Yay...! Ditto!
  • First pay check...!!! Yay...! Let's go out, and drink beer!
  • Got drunk... then got laid...!!! Yay...! Let's get drunk again...!
  • It is my day off...!!! Yay...!
  • Snowed again...
  • Got paid...
  • Snowed... got paid... got laid... and day off... and my STI cleared up... ditto, ditto... ditto.

So, back to beer... if my "we promise, we are really, really, really good..." tenants, break their promise... I don't give them beer. So...
  • If you have one parking spot, but occupy four spots... No beer for you!
  • If you punch a hole in the drywall...? No beer for you!
  • If you are repeatedly late with your rent... No beer for you!
  • If the owner receives a noise complaint... and again... and again... No beer for you!
  • You have a party in the hot tub at 3am and keep the neighbours up... repeatedly... er... let me think... Yes...! No beer for you!
  • You leave your garbage outside, and the ravens get at it... and you don't clean up...? I think that qualifies... No beer for you!
  • You smoke in your apartment... "I don't smoke..." is not an excuse - Pot counts! No beer for you!
  • You use your neighbours hot tub...? Without permission...? But you were drunk...? Oh well then... No beer for you!!!
Hey look... I have beer left over this month... woohoo!

Leaving Early...
Not cool. You made a commitment, signed a contract, committed yourself to your employer, room-mates and landlord/property owner. If you leave you create problems and extra work.
  • So if you split with your boyfriend and met a new squeeze... not my problem.
  • If you got a job in the mines in Australia... not my problem.
  • If you decided to leave and go travelling to South America... not my problem.
  • If your beau back home is missing you... awwww... so sad... not my problem.
  • If your beau back home is running around with another guy/girl... you are probably better off... but not my problem...
  • If you broke your leg... okay, not a bad excuse.
  • If you got fired for repeatedly turning up late... not my problem.
  • You have a bad hair cut...
  • You ran out of money... really...? Then yes... still not my problem.
There, good, feel better now.

But... but... but Mr. Pickles... you said beer to give away...?
Yes I did... let me think about that... whilst I drink these...

Sólido Properties
owns, manages, leases property, deals with good and other types of tenants, believes their crappy stories and gives away less beer than usual... 

Okay... beer. If you read so far here is your chance. A bit of promo for Sólido, 'Like' Sólido on Facebook, and get your friends to 'Like' Sólido we will give you a beer. A lone, single, solitary, beer... can... empty... 

Big White is AWESOME!!! Non seasonal staff are... sometimes worthy of a story, or two...

I've been looking after and renting/managing property at Big White since 2003... well for the first ten years it was very casual, starti...