Friday 9 August 2024

Big White is AWESOME!!! Thinking of coming to Big White for a season...? And you're nervous...?

Who wouldn't be...? 

And you're on your own...? In a strange country...? Without a job...? Or friends...? And you can't ski...? (which is important) Or snowboard - which, you know, who cares...?

Will you even survive?

Shall I tell you my story...?

It all started whilst I was still in the army, driving back to my base from Wigan (UK) to Andover (again UK). I picked up a hitchhiker who told me he'd lost his driver's license (drink driving), and was heading to tell his (new) boss (in London) that he couldn't do the job anymore - delivery truck driver... "What'll you do?" I asked... he told me he would head back and work in a ski resort in France.

You can imagine a cartoon image of me putting on brakes... "What??!" I didn't know that was a thing. No, I  didn't slam the brakes on, but, you know, I was definitely distracted...

So, I drop him off somewhere, get back to camp and the next day, I went in and signed my PVR (Premature Voluntary Release) papers... it was probably a six month release/wait period... I didn't care as it was still summer. I was 24 at the time... kinda risky eh? 

Six months, and you know I didn't do much. I had some distant family relations who were big into skiing - they had an equipment shop and they organized ski vacations... I bet I had only ever met them three times in my whole life. But, they were a start, so I went to see them. 

They arranged some stuff for me in Switzerland... flight, meeting at and airport shuttle to the resort, accommodation, and ski tech job at a hotel... or so I thought... and they sold me some great 90's ski gear... which was great cos it was the 90's.

There was a little confusion at the airport... they didn't know who I was but I had proof I'd paid for my flight so I was allowed to board (this was pre 9/11) just a short 40 minutes 'after' the plane was scheduled to depart... yes, I was the guy everyone gives those 'if looks could kill' daggers to.

But I barely noticed... cos let me add something here... I was leaving Wigan, to go to live in a ski resort in Switzerland, so the night before my buddies and I all went out and partied... coming home at 5am I figured I'd best start packing, (it's amazing the packing decisions you make whilst drunk) shortly after which my brother drove a very hungover 'me' to the airport.

I landed around noon... well, everyone did actually, I wasn't special. To be greeted by no-one. Which was inconvenient, I and my hangover decided... I then spent the next six hours walking up and down Geneva airport trying to figure out my life. Eventually I figure out a shuttle to the resort (Morgins) and to the hotel where I was supposed to be doing my thing - I had a hotel name. It was pretty close, maybe 90 minutes drive.

The job...
Did not exist.

The accommodation...
Came with the job... that didn't exist... ergo... 

What to do?
I have too much stuff, no job, no place to sleep, it's now 10pm... over 40 hours without sleep... and my hangover seemed to be the only thing I still had with me.

Seemed the obvious solution. It was dead. But there was a waitress. Long story short - she could probably let me have a bed for a night. But we had to wait for her boyfriend to come back, and for her to finish work at 2am... not the best but a bed. I think they charged me 5 Swiss Francs per night.

They were great, they advised me to hitchhike 5kms to Chatel in France. "It will be easy" they said, and it was, "and there will be more jobs..." and there were. So I did.

Job #1.
I went to the local tourism office and not speaking and French I said "Je suis cherche pour travais." I'd learned that phrase. But of course it didn't help because they (inconsiderately) responded in French... But, they sent me up to the hotel to find Michel, who needed a labourer.

Things were going great, all morning that is... all morning until the French, labourer/builder, with maintenance experience turned up.

End of Job#1.
Of course Michel paid me, but you know... French, builder, experience... he could even speak fluent French! Batard! Which is French for, you know, what it kinda sounds like.

So, no job and er... still no place to stay...
'Best go to the bar then...' I decided, all by myself.* Twenty minutes later Michel walks in - "Let me buy you a beer" I say. A couple hours later a drunk Michel says to me "Where are you staying tonight?"
A drunk me responds "ah... I'll just go to the hotel down the road..."
"Nope!" exclaims Michel.
"Nope! Tonight you will stay with me and my family..." And I did.

*Going to the bar was not a bad idea, more than one person had told me, that's where all the seasonal staff go and they would know of any jobs available.

The point of my story...?
You will figure it out... and you will have great stories to tell about how you figured it out. Did I meet people...? Did I find another Job...? A place to live...? Did I ski lots... did I (soto voce) snowboard too... did I have one of the best seasons of my life...?

Maybe I'll tell you more stories from that season one day, and you can decide.

Sólido Properties have been managing properties at Big White since 2003 (commercially since 2013). And we specialize in er... seasonal staff places. Our goal is to find the best places for the best staff. If you are the best staff (yes yes, everyone says "We" are the best) send me a message via that link or to

And if you're an owner looking for stable, steady, honest income... you can do the same thing. True story.

PS If you're looking at the website today... you'll notice it is not quite finished. There is a good reason behind that - yep, I'm rubbish... another true story.

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Big White is AWESOME!!! Thinking of coming to Big White for a season...? And you're nervous...? Part Duh!

See what I did there with the 'Duh'? Well... "Duh! Of course we did... dumbass." So, I have a little confession. That was ...