Hold on captain, what is the picture to the left? Well that is Scafell Pike - (with gravitas please) "It is the highest peak in England my son..." Yes a whole 87m high... not really, it is 978m.
Wait, what..? Well this blog is about Big White, (which is Awesome by the way.) And Big White is 2,319m - 9.4379 times higher than Scafell...
Ok, this is the point. Living at altitude is believed to increase your base metabolic rate - the number of calories you burn. So if you live at Big White, going to Kelowna makes you fat! And you all thought it was food.
A study in Germany tested 20 obese men whilst in Munich and at 8,700ft. Whilst at altitude the men lost an average of 3lb each in a week. 20 is not really enough to pass muster with the FDA - still according to the journal of made up statistics (doing a course right now) Colorado has the lowest levels of obesity out of the whole of the USA - less than 20%.
This link provides more info

Now the question is, does Big White attract healthy people or make healthy them?
I think probably a bit of both.
Of course you also have to work - nothing is free, my preferred activity is squash - look at the chart squash burns more calories per hour than any other activity. 1520kj (1 Calorie is roughly 4 kj) per 30 minutes for a 70kg, 40 year old woman. If only I could play like a woman.
Running also helps, but soft snow and high altitude makes it very challenging - like running up a giant sand-dune without oxygen.
So anyway back to my point, not only is Big White a great place to live and raise a family, it is also naturally, a healthy place to live - even better than Scafell...
Oh and the pitch - if after reading this you are convinced Big White is for you contact Sólido Properties or like us on Facebook for more information and rental options.
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