Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Big White is AWESOME! And Healthy!

So, you want to lose some weight? er yes please Mr. Pickles.

Hold on captain, what is the picture to the left? Well that is Scafell Pike - (with gravitas please) "It is the highest peak in England my son..." Yes a whole 87m high... not really, it is 978m.

Wait, what..? Well this blog is about Big White, (which is Awesome by the way.) And Big White is 2,319m - 9.4379 times higher than Scafell...

Ok, this is the point. Living at altitude is believed to increase your base metabolic rate - the number of calories you burn. So if you live at Big White, going to Kelowna makes you fat! And you all thought it was food.

A study in Germany tested 20 obese men whilst in Munich and at 8,700ft. Whilst at altitude the men lost an average of 3lb each in a week. 20 is not really enough to pass muster with the FDA - still according to the journal of made up statistics (doing a course right now) Colorado has the lowest levels of obesity out of the whole of the USA - less than 20%. 

This link provides more info 

I don't know what the stats are for Big White, I think it is around 0%, apart from the odd chubby Golden Retriever - obviously they have not read this article or the stats...

Now the question is, does Big White attract healthy people or make healthy them?

I think probably a bit of both.

Of course you also have to work - nothing is free, my preferred activity is squash - look at the chart squash burns more calories per hour than any other activity. 1520kj (1 Calorie is roughly 4 kj) per 30 minutes for a 70kg, 40 year old woman. If only I could play like a woman.

Running also helps, but soft snow and high altitude makes it very challenging - like running up a giant sand-dune without oxygen.

So anyway back to my point, not only is Big White a great place to live and raise a family, it is also naturally, a healthy place to live - even better than Scafell...

Oh and the pitch - if after reading this you are convinced Big White is for you contact Sólido Properties or like us on Facebook for more information and rental options.

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Big White is AWESOME!!! Non seasonal staff are... sometimes worthy of a story, or two...

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