Over time things changed, dogs had to be on a leash, under control, kept indoors, out of site and out of mind... pretty sad for me.

This week was not a good week for the canine community. You probably know that someone tried to take my two dogs... luckily both were saved by Dan. Then a couple of days later Leanne lost Yoho... he died at the kennel. Aged five... what? He was a Bernese - not a long life expectancy... but five? I have lost dogs before, but old age, kind of expected, less of a loss.

So sad. :( I would see Leanne and Yoho on the cross country trails in the winter - and you can bet, to Yoho, it was the best thing ever... Ever!
Loosing a dog is like loosing a family member...
My first dog was a Corgi cross, named Candy. I was three when he died, he got run over in front of the house, I was with my best friend Ian Potter (no relation to Harry) - we saw it happen. Candy yelped and yelped and then had a green... she had to be put down.

A dog does not need money, fancy clothes, posh wine... a dog does not need luxury. A dog needs nothing but companionship, exercise and attention. A dog will love you, and would die for you. A dog will follow you to the ends of the earth, just to be with you, your dog's love is unconditional, forever. Isn't that what everyone wants, unconditional love?
So to Yoho... You will be missed, and to the rest of the dogs at Big White, Cheers!
And if you do see a dog a Big White, say 'Hi'.
A true dog story.
When Susan and I were in Former Yugoslavia, she lived in Split for a while. Next door, there was this (the best way to describe him) vicious German Shepard, killer guard dog - Byron. I grew up with dogs, but Byron, he scared the living daylights out of me.Anyway I decided I was going to make friends with Byron. Every night I would take scraps out to him. And every night when I got close he tried to rip out my throat. After a while he would try to rip out my throat, realize it was the 'good food dude', and chill a little. I would give him the food, he would gobble it down... and then try to rip out my throat - as you do if you are a vicious killer dog.
Eventually I got to the point where he was relaxed with the 'good food dude' and happy to see me. Me? I was still cautious of him - he was behind bars so could not 'get' to me but still...
One day I turn into the street and I see Byron... and he is out of his controlled environment. I stop... he looks at me, his ears are up, his eyes are black and he is now still... just watching...
What do I do? This is a killer guard dog, he is big, terrifying and no longer caged... And he is staring at me...
What did I do? I thought 'shit', then I thought f*** it, instantly I acted as his friend, I bent down, padded my thighs and called to him 'come on Byron, come here... good boy'. Byron changed, no longer killer guard dog, but friendly matey dog, his buddy had arrived... 'hey dude, good to see you man, scratch my ears and wrestle with me... I am out, how much fun is that? got any scraps?'
Byron became my (uncaged) friend, I would go to his place, pick him up and take him running with me. Scary, but my friend.
Actually I am totally allergic to dogs, but for me it is worth it, in my opinion, you will never, ever get a more trusting, loyal and reliable companion. Dogs are AWESOME!
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