Hiking the Juan de Fuca trail... with his best buddy...? Ha...?
Just because I tolerate his presence does not make him my Buddy, Master or Alpha... I am an independent dog... Yes, I do greet people all the time - just being social... and yes if I do sniff some butts it is just communication - "hey, how you doin', what did you have for dinner last night... ah dog food again... been traveling long...? Yes I caught your scent a couple of clicks back... did you see that damn squirrel...?" You know - water cooler stuff.
And he didn't 'ask' me to go on this 'adventure'. No, he dragged me from Luca's (my real buddy's bed) at death o'clock in the morning, bundled me in the car and kept me locked up for 11 hours whilst we were 'driving'. Does this guy not know when we travel around we mark our territory - we have to check things out, we have to 'cruise and mark man, cruise and mark!' Dumb-ass.
Okay so I did get to sit shotgun, and yes he brought me a cosy blankie to lie on, and okay we did stand at the front of the boat watching er nothing... he said he saw some killer whales but I don't believe him... I have a keen sense for all things that need chasing...
Burgers, yes he gave me half a burger, big deal. I could eat two without blinking, probably four on a good day - 'I am stomach of steel dog me'. Well unless I get into some garbage and eat something bad... then I become 'instant food to waste dog...' My casual acquaintance (owner...) usually gets mad at me if I become rapid food conversion dog... But what the hell dude, I am a dog, this is what dogs do... we eat stuff, edible, palatable (or not), or excessive...
Hey, did I ever tell you about the time I ate that whole apple pie from Costco... er yum! It was massive, must of weighed 5 kgs. He left on the counter, it was in my territory... (well his, but when he is not there... I am dog, I am in command...) and if stuff is in my territory... Don't blame me, you left it out... Of course 5kgs was a bit much for me, so I returned the apple pie... but no, this was not good enough, there was still yelling and lots of 'bad dog'... Whatever...

Don't get me wrong, I love hiking, (I don't to the Miking thing - handle bars and the opposing thumbs is a bit of an issue...) we go up the mountain I chase the critters, we come down - go to Globe people love me... me, not him, me. Not once have I seen someone scratch his ears... eh?
So we get to the trail head and my casual acquaintance is putting a big pack on his back - what are you doing that for dude? 'Idiot' I thought, that will really slow you down - how are we gonna catch the critters? And then he pulls out another pack... and I get a bad feeling - what is going on? No...! don't do that... man... I cannot walk, I cannot 'cruise and mark' I cannot sit down, I cannot lie down, I cannot do my 'stuff' and I swear I am carrying half of his stuff... Dumb-ass.
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