Someone mentioned to me today that they miss my blog, and why have I not been blogging?
As Nooner said - Busy, busy, busy… it is that time of year. Businesses are getting ready for the season start, snow is falling, seasonal staff are arriving, Sam's is busy serving beer to seasonal staff. So to keep Wendy happy, here is a little something to tide everyone over.

But you know all the business on the mountain are now going "WTF, we are not ready… Ahhh…!" But on the other side the seasonal staff are now saying "Thank-f***, we can now pay our rent… lets go out and celebrate… Yaaayyy!"
Not my renters of course, my renters are at home… cleaning.
Actually talking of renters, this week I took a bunch of beer round to my tenants - some of them were very confused… 'What, wait, you are giving us beer? For free…? Beer...? Free…? Really…? Free…?' I was giving them beer, and it was free - it was kind of a welcome to Big White, thanks for the business, please don't trash the place and have wild parties kind of thing. Great! One group celebrated by having a noisy hot tub party in the middle of the night - bad tenants, no-more beer for you!
So, let me tell you about my girl. Kassie - she works for me, and she is AWESOME! In the Big White kind of way… yes! She is that good! But don't tell her, she will want a pay raise. Anyway (and I have to tread a little careful here, cos of wifey) did I ever get lucky, and boys on the mountain - Kassie is cute. Yes… blonde, has eyes (I don't know what colour, probably blue, or grey, or whatever) is 21, healthy (well, has all her teeth...) And... and... and… is single! Yes, unattached - no-one, nada, niente, nesnam nema nishta dobra in her life… (it is Croatian for no, never, nothing good). I don't know... I was trying to think of something that alliterates with the other words… stop asking questions, just go with the flow.
So boys, when I was your ages I did not have a clue about girls… not a clue. I had to find out the hard way that girls don't like drunken, leary, fally over, slurry word louts. Yeah...! I was surprised too!

Anyhoo, that is it from me today, good luck and good night.
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