Sunday, 3 August 2014

Big White is AWESOME! The People 9 - T-Laz

T-Rex... to her friends... we think... I say we think cos cats don't say much... No... they don't T.

Anyhow we love T-Laz, these are all the things we love about T-Laz...

Where is that deep fat fryer...?
I got some fries to fire up... in ma pockets!
  1. T-Laz can complain like no other, she is THE best, yes I used capitals for emphasis...
  2. Er... well... er... let me get back to you, no wait, got one. T-Laz can re-warm fries like no other, no putting them in the microwave for T-Laz, it is back in the deep fat fryer or nothing.
  3. T-Laz can get mad... instantly... she is brilliant... at it. Just mention re-warmed fries and she is ready to fight. 
  4. T-Laz is a fire-fighter... and there does not have to be a fire. Yes... no need for a fire...
  5. And a vegetarian... we don't love her for that tho... it is kinda dumb (and when I say kinda, I mean, really dumb). Did we fight our way to the top of the food chain to eat mushrooms... I don't think so!
  6. But... don't mention being vegetarian is dumb - the fire-fighter comes out punching.
  7. I am sure there are hundreds of other things... probably... 

This is so not cool... we are not friends.
T-Laz is highly intelligent... well she is very tall, and her intelligence level is high up... well it is on her shoulders... and did I mention tall? This is not to be confused with IQ levels... which in T-Laz's case there is a whole bunch of inverse correlation. Luckily T-Laz has stopped growing.

T-Laz with Lucy her owner - training not going well...
"Hee hee hee - I can poop anywhere!!!"
"Wipe my bum Lucy...!"
But... there is progress. We would (the global population in general) like to thank T-Laz for the contribution she is making to the planet's evolutionary progress - her personal self improvement campaign has led to an increase in the human-race's overall intelligence level (and her own). Yes, T-Laz is now using words with greater than one syllable - yesterday we had 'Sounds crappy' from T-Laz... written, using correctly spelled words n'all! Yes, yes I know that if he was alive Shakspeare would have little to concern himself, and my dog doesn't write, so he is not worried either - but T-Laz... way to go dude(ess)! High five!

What else? T-Laz is Canadian... from yes, you guessed it! South Africa! T-Laz has pets... I mean is the pet of Lucy (her owner) and is still in the process of being house trained... a work in progress I hear... sometimes the cats shake their heads in frustration or disbelief... 

I'm not that worried.

 Sólido Properties lives, works, drinks beer, abuses people in a crappy blog, has lots of hiding places. Owns, manages, and runs numerous properties at Big White ski Two Season resort. If you are a property owner looking for mediocre (or lesser) management for your properties - contact us... if you can find us... well... before T-Laz et al do.

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