Sunday, 8 November 2015

Big White is AWESOME! Opening Early...? And skiing anyway...

Dunno, she followed me...
She calls herself 'Wifey... or boss... or 'she who must be obeyed...'

Will we? Won't we?

Everyone keeps asking the question. Well as a someone who un-officially doesn't know the answer (I have not asked, and they have not answered this un-asked question... yes, yes I know it is a complicated system). I am going to say... depends.

Quick note... the pics you see are from today - skiing! It was AWESOME!

Depends on what?
A number of things, now imagine if I was the big dog looking at the situation; balancing up the pros and cons, I would ask myself a number of questions...


  1. Is there enough snow?
    • Kinda like Darth Vader.
    • And will it last, what does the god of grooming tell me?(Jeremy).
  2. Can we get the lifts running?
  3. Do we have the staff available to run the operation... and are they trained?
  4. Is it safe? Actually this would be like, question one...
  5. Do we have ski instructors?
  6. Do we have ski patrol?
  7. Can we prepare the runs?
  8. What about other businesses? Can they gear up quickly?
  9. And accommodation - is it, or can it be ready?
  10. What does wifey say?
    • I did say if "I" was the boss.

Wait, which way up
 do these go?
And pointy end goes down?
  1. Can we balance expenditure with increased revenue?
  2. If no, what is the marketing value/public relations value?
    • Do the two balance?
  3. Will opening early generate local interest and lead to increased season pass sales? This year... next?
  1. What is the PR value of opening early?
    1. If we are the first to open compared to the other major BC resorts?
  2. What is the PR cost if we can open... but don't? 
    1. And other resorts open?
  1. Will opening early meet with our long term strategic objectives.
Not smiling... It is the Dark Side of the Force death-grip...
but in a nice Canadian style.
So there you have it, will Big White open early? The answer is still 'depends'.

Remember, Big White are a business, they have to answer to stakeholders, who ask questions like 'Why did you lose money...? Or why didn't you make more money...? Or where is my cookie? (I made that last one up.)

Of course I am not the big dog. But there is a good reason for that. Yes, exactly, they are Australian and I'm English.

But... going out on a limb. My prediction is yes, on the 21st November. And if I am wrong, don't blame Big White... blame me.

Told you. Deep! No, I am not kneeling.
And yes skiing today. Stunning eh? We hiked up, the weather was perfect, we got some great exercise, enjoyed the stunning scenery, played in epic epic powder, and (almost) had the mountain to ourselves. Being carried up the mountain is easier but this was cool too!
Keeners! First in line for Telus Chair.

Sólido Properties... well I usually do a self deprecating and some people think (me) both humorous and entertaining, end to my blog... but this time I think I will just

Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Big White is AWESOME! Cos the people... 13 (maybe...) and Welcome to Big White.

I don't know... I could check how many, or count but that would involve time taken away from walking to the coffee machine and pressing a button...

Part 1 - The People.
Kris and Jolene... They are AWESOME!

This weekend was the big annual Halloween Bash at Sam's, it is the first big party of the season. Tons* of people go... tons of people from Snowpines.

*I was going to use the metric Tonnes but decided to stick with the old imperial... easier to write and I come from GB which once had an impire... Queen Victoria - she was an Impress... it was also how the navy got its' sailors. But she was defeated by Luke when he blew up the death star.

But... since the mountain is not open yet, there is no official transport. Kris and Jolene decided to help. They not only donated a vehicle but paid for a driver to help shuttle the sober to Sam's and (jumping to conclusions here) the inebriated back home again.

I think this is the most unselfish act I have seen at Big White. Of course I once got given a ski pass... but, they had taken it away first... and it could have been a mistake.

  • They did not earn a penny.
  • They risked their vehicle.
  • They paid for the driver.
  • They paid for the fuel.

Did I say unselfish!!? Their actions were so cool... ...I decided not to copy... cos that is how I role.

Kris and Jolene run a business at Big White. Snowy Nights, they could have promoted the business but they didn't. Maybe because they don't need to tell everyone how good they are... maybe because they do a great service and grow because of this... maybe they are great employers with happy and loyal staff...

Snowy Nights have been managing tubs for years - their rates are fair, their staff are honest, they inspect tubs more and I know when they say 'this needs fixing...' it needs fixing.

If your service is this good, do you need to advertise? Probably not. 

And they spend most of the summer fishing on the pacific coast. How cool is that? No... I don't do that either.

Part 2 - Welcome.
We fill up every year with seasonal people - whether on a working vacation, a gap year, a life change or whatever. Big White enjoys almost 1400 seasonal visitors and not all are from Australia... no, it is true - there are German, East German (is that PC?), Kiwi, English, Scottish, Welsh (I didn't forget you Alyn), Chilean, Argentinian, Frenchian... etc etc. I made that last one up... yes I did!

We love you guys! You make Big White interesting and fun, and diverse and... possible to exist. Yes, we probably couldn't do it without you. So... Thanks!

But I have a couple of requests, or guidelines if you wish...

Big White is beautiful, a pristine part of the world. Fresh, pollution free air, the purest water, unobstructed 360 degree vistas and of course snowsports. How lucky are we? How lucky are you...?

...But Snowsports are winter specific, when the snow melts we see everything under it - trash doesn't melt, beer cans don't melt, cigarette butts don't melt. Please please please bag your garbage. You wouldn't want to visit a dump, please don't leave one.

Don't steel, (I know - intentional... maybe) Period. The value of the cheapest item you steel (or not) is the value of your integrity... think about it.

Alcohol and other recreational activities... 
I was gonna say drugs but thought better of it.
Moderation, have fun but stay in control - you will thank yourself in the morning.

Balance it with life, be reliable, respect your employer - don't abuse the trust.

Respect the place you live.
Owners have a choice of renting to seasonal staff or... not. You are there because they chose the former, don't make them regret their decision.

Respect your roomies.
Pull your weight, share the chores, respect their space.

Respect your neighbours.
Noise - respect the quiet hours.

I think that is it; if you follow these simple guidelines, your season will not only be fantastic... it will be awesome - Big White AWESOME!

Sólido Properties owns, manages, rents, lives, and enjoys just being at Big White. Of course we also do this social media marketing thing to promote our business (unlike Snowy Nights... some say it is because they are better, others... because we are worse... fortunately we use Snowy so that brings up our average... :)

If you are an owner looking for a self righteous, narcissistic, inferior blogging, (employing uninformative verbal drivel) company to help you, to help Sólido increase profits... and generate stable, guaranteed, revenue  for your property... contact us. That last sentence was the call to action... if you got so far.

Tuesday, 29 September 2015

Big White is AWESOME! Excited...!

So I was out hiking with the dogs and wifey Sunday and guess who I saw? Yes My boss.

No, not Bob Casson, higher.
Not Lucy Gilbert either, and she is not my boss, she just has cats... too many!
Not Josh, higher.
No, not even Michael J, even higher.
No! Not god... in between Michael J, and god...

Yes! Peter P! The leader of the free world! ...Okay, of the mountain. And guess what he was wearing? Blue underwear!

Well... I know because my wife mentioned it. No... I don't know how she knew... wait...

Anyway, it is kind of the reason I am excited. No, not the blue underwear specifically. More that Peter's blue underwear matched his mountain bike! (I don't know who dressed him, Sally probably... no... I don't know what colour underwear she has on...). The blue underwear/mountain boy/bike was at the top of the mountain... he had ridden up from the Snowpines side. Now I had been shown these paths a couple of years ago...

I had never really bothered with them, they were on the other side of the mountain, overgrown, difficult to find and a bit hard... which comes into play if you are lazy. Besides I hiked lots on my side.

But people were on the mountain... and biking... I asked the young one "Did you come up from Snowpines?" Yes... muddy apparently. I had better check this out, my two readers need to know what's going on!

I know it is not quite Watergate... but still.

So... breaking news! Someone has been riding a mountain bike, and enough so the path is clearly visible. Do you remember when Big White laid out the hiking trail? The first time I did it, whilst traversing the cliff, I missed the actual route and went too high. But in just a short season the regular foot traffic makes the trail clearly visible. Foot traffic makes a difference.

So I followed this (no longer hidden) path...

Sunday was my 64th trip up the mountain since the last ski season ended, 65th if you count the one time I went 'Miking' this year. This page for more info on Miking. Yes a sport I invented two years ago, interestingly since that day the population of the whole world have collaborated in not adopting said sport. Pretty impressive eh? I should be in politics.

Monday became the 66th trip... not hiking, and not Miking... but yes! Mountain Biking! There is a beautiful, fairly shallow gradient (well I could ride it) path to the top of the Snow Ghost; and at that point you can easily follow the hiking trail across to the top of the Bullet. 

This was my route-

Pretty cool eh? Actually the path is not an official path, and there were a couple of areas I had to stop and get off the bike, (man, that was a relief) and push, but easier than riding the maintenance trail (Miking). Down hill, I followed the Falcon hiking trail, from the top of Snowghost... the same one from the 'Chairlift Challenge' but hiking trails can be challenging to ride. I had to get off a few times... cos I wuz scared... Hey did I tell you the last time I went Miking I went over the handlebars? Yes, but but but, I landed on my feet... no, not Ninja style, more WTF (Well That's Fantastic - for the under 12's) style.

But the ride was beautiful... stunning... tranquil... it made my life... Richer!

Pushing my own blog here, a while back I wrote about where I would live if I was rich... here - living the millionaire lifestyle without being a millionaire. Actually I am an inverse millionaire... yes I owe the bank $4m... remember the Edge? That was me. No, at the time, it wasn't funny. But my point is my millionaire lifestyle has just got richer... And it is thanks to Big White, oh... and blue underwear boy.

Actually... they were blue cycling shorts, but that is not funny is it.

Sólido Properties, Hikes, Mikes and now Mountain Bikes up Big White mountain! And we drink beer, and we have dogs and we write a crappy blog (really, do you have nothing better to do? Nobody gets this far... go and do something productive)... And we operate a seasonal rental business. Actually the main reason I started this was to generate business... no I haven't been blogging much... it is cos I'm full... oh, and out of good ideas.

Sunday, 16 August 2015

Big White is AWESOME! Sailing...

Yes! It has nothing to do with Big White. Or No! It has nothing to do with Big White. 

Same thing.

Have you ever sailed?

Picture this, you are on a sailboat, the wind has filled he sails, it is coming off the port (left) bow (middle), you are heeled over 25 degrees. The boat is cutting through the water, the sun is shining, the breeze is keeping you cool, shade is found under the sails... you look up, all you see is the crystal blue of the sky, the odd cotton ball cloud, the peak of the mast above the whiter than white sails. All you can hear is the water flowing past the hull. The boat is gently rocking with the swell and you think... you think about the 15,000lbs of the boat, the 5 knots of breeze and the 4.5 knots of headway. You think how much energy is being generated by the wind against canvas... takes a lot to move that much weight at that speed...

Have you ever sailed?

Have you ever sailed with a dog? Two dogs?

With a dog that has a bit of a stomach issue? An issue that makes you jump on the tender with the dog and race against nature to beat the stomach issue. Race like you are James Bond chasing the Spectre agent, thinking in your Sean Connery voice 'Hold on there picshel, thish will be sho much better if you can keep it togetherrr...' A dog that can't hold it together...

So you head back to the boat, and you look at the sailboat with your wife and daughter just as the squall hits... 45knots... just as it almost capsizes... as you try and do your best Jimmy Bond thing, racing over/through/under the 4 foot white caps, racing as your dog bounces 2 feet off the deck cos your wife and daughter are still (you hope) on this out of control boat.

Have you ever gotten back to the out of control boat, heeled over 40 degrees, chucked the dog on as your daughter says 'the boat is out of control...' oh really. So you attach a line to the dinghy, steer into the wind, get the engine going and think 'fogging hell..'

Have you ever tried to find a safe harbour for your sailboat with the 45 knot winds? Tried to weigh anchor, only to have it drag? Try to recover the anchor and the 200 feet of line attached... hauling in the soaked rope, heavy chain and finally the anchor. Trying to power the boat against the wind, trying to give directions to the helmsman in the bouncing swell, and blowing gale whilst recovering the anchor by hand...?

Have you ever have your tender break loose and start to float away in the middle of all this...? Because the D ring bends due to all the pressure...? Recovering the anchor can be done, recovering the boat can be done... finding safe moorage (eventually) in the dark and gale winds can be done.

You can find moorage, you can settle down, you can drink that well earned beer...

Have you ever sailed? With two dogs... who both have stomach issues...? Who wake you in the middle of the night, with the 'look'? The 'please for the love of god mother, let me find some grass...'? Who wake you five times... (well four and one). Dogs that have liquified stomach issues...?

Have you ever sailed?

Have you ever sailed after a figuratively and literally shitty day and night with two dogs... two dogs that have not recovered? The dog that 'looks' at you in the middle of the lake? Trying the Bond plan again... failing again... desperately failing all over the dinghy... Have you ever returned to the boat with a dinghy full of 'desperation', chucked the dog in the lake cos his paws are full of this desperation? Got the dog back on the boat, and tried to figure out the best way to clean this liquid desperation when you realize... you realize the dog has not finished being desperate... he has not finished being desperate, on the big boat... no, not finished, he has not finished everywhere... everywhere!

So he goes swimming again and you start to clean this desperation... you clean it off both boats... it takes a bit of time, it takes hoisting the dinghy out of the water, it takes a desperate amount of rinsing...

Have you ever sailed?

Have you ever sailed after having a brain frying day and night and day, that you don't pay attention? Have you ever run aground whilst sailing...? Have you ever spent two hours with the help of a very nice pontoon boat trying to unground your sailboat... whilst being watched by numerous spectators...?

Have you ever spent 11 stressful and 'desperate' hours on a boat, only to discover the directions you were given were misleading... 6kms misleading... 6kms at 6km/h misleading. 6 km misleading, when you have missed, dinner, breakfast, lunch, coffee and dinner again...?

Have you ever sailed?

Guess what we did last weekend.

Saturday, 8 August 2015

Big White is AWESOME! Mission Idiotpossible!

Look at this. I did this post two years ago, but never actually posted it... So, after a little tweaking (I did some good grammar thingy, and sum spilling). And of course it was pre-hiking at Big White... And and and... don't try this at home.

...Remember the film Mission Impossible 2 with Tom Cruise? The start is him free climbing a treacherous cliff without ropes, harness or any safety equipment... once false move and he is strawberry jam. As he is doing his improbable climb, his mission arrives, he gets a message and cue the music - dum dum dum da da dum dum dum da da... Bond theme... easier to remember, but you get the idea.

Opening clip to MI2

So, I hike the mountain quite a bit, sometimes when alone I do more 'interesting' stuff... climbing the steep bits... as you look up the cliff chair I go up to the right, as you get to the point where you see the crazy snowboard/skier dudes doing their entertaining thing in the winter (crashing). I start to climb up. The going is easy... at first.. and then I get to the climby bits.

This way I think.
The route I am following is pulling me to the right; straight up is too technical - I only have hiking boots... this way seems to gives me the best route upwards. The downside of a traverse climb is the slope of the ground - for every foot I climb to the right, the ground drops off another foot - each foot higher means two feet further from the ground. Before I know it I am high, very high. At one point I am thinking I could base jump from this height, not that I have base jumped before... and I don't have a parachute but you know... I was probably wrong, but it was high.

Now it is not the fall that worries me, I am more concerned with the very rapid deceleration caused by those jagged boulders at the bottom.

Anyway I am at the point where continuing seems my best option. Have you ever climbed? Your eyes and head are close to your hands, not your feet. You can spot holds, spot your route and looking up is less scary... than looking down a 4000 feet drop towards those happy little killer rocks. So onwards it is, I am not that concerned at this point, I am moving, the climb is challenging but is doable.

I get to a bit of a crux and I manage (with quite a bit of difficulty) to get beyond the 'hard' bit. Now unfortunately as I get over the hard bit, the tiny hand and foot holds I used fracture away. I am spiderman-ing against the face and I notice for the first time the whole face is fractured... everything I touch is coming loose - big slivers of rock are breaking off in my hands. Despite my less than admirable performance in the brain department so far, i.e. what a dumbass, I am able to conclude (by myself) this could be tricky, as in 'OMG I'm gonna die...' tricky.

As difficult as it was getting up, it would be less fun getting down, even if the holds still existed... the don't. And with the rock fractures constantly coming loose, yes I am also a bit concerned with getting a 'tap on the head' (old Navy saying) from above - then performing my swan dive into those happy rocks. Anyway the shaky legs I have from 'muscle fatigue' (yes that is what I am calling it) subside, oxygen gets back to the noggin and I start to think. I cannot go up, I cannot go down, both sides are looking impossible... yes, Mission Impossible. Clip again - Opening clip

I am on the cliff!
So there I am doing my Tom Cruise bit on the Cliff and at that point (in true MI2 style) my phone rings - so still being spidey I answer the wife... "Where are you?" She barks, okay she enquires but this is my version.
"I am on the cliff" I answer honestly.
"Are you still going up, or on your way down?" she asks.
"I not sure..." well I am not, but she cannot hear me clearly anyway. "Can I call you back?" I ask, and hang up, yes I was a bit short with her but you know, I have a situation here and boy would she be mad at me if I killed myself - best be avoiding that situation... it could be 'tricky'.

So I am thinking of options. I am stuck but I am not panicking, I am stable in my spidey position - and I don't want to embarrass myself by calling 911 having search and rescue come and get me - no no no. So I figure a 'soft' rescue would work (for me - cos it is all about me). 

The fire dept. Yes, with a harness and rope, that would work - so I call Gareth, no answer (I should have been nicer to him I think). I call Brad in the Globe (love the Globe) 

"Do you have the chief's number?" I casually enquire... 
"No, he is on vacation." 
"Ah... do you have Chris's?" again, cool as a cucumber.
"I'll get it for you, let me call you right back"

By now I have been in this spot for probably 30-40 mins and I am still trying to work out a way down... And and and... my battery is almost dead, appropriate.

10 mins later and no call... I decide to get myself down. To be honest I don't really know how, I do recall at one point I was on a sheer face holding on with my finger tips and trying to reach a toe hold... and crying... Eventually I get to a easier area and I go up - I am hoping and hoping I don't hit a tough area again cos I am vertical and it is a long, long way down.

I reach the top, and then go down - I have to find my glasses, (whilst I was doing my Cruise thing those bloody horse flies kept trying to eat my head, and whilst trying to swat them away I knocked off my glasses - didn't see that in the movie), rescue one of my dogs (the barky one - you know which one) and find the other. Then I head down, I stop at the lake and drink the water... if it is good enough for ducks... it is good enough for dumb-asses.

As I am heading down the deputy fire chief calls me (well done Brad), I tell him I had an issue but everything is fine. It is about this point the battery in my phone dies. I have a meeting at 11am at the Globe and I head straight there - sweaty, dirty, and stinking - but hey, this is Big White. As I get through the door Brad says you had better call your wife... Susan had called the Globe got hold of Brad, Brad had told her I was trying to reach the fire Chief... I had been gone two hours longer than usual... why would I be two hours late and calling the fire chief...? 

So that is my Mission Idiotpossible story - at Big White - where else can you live where you can walk out your door and get stuck on a cliff? Big White is AWESOME!

So... finishing with my Pitch again, Sólido Properties is still alive and has a bunch of properties on the mountain, which surprise surprise... We Rent! Yay! Of course we do. If you have continued reading (I don't know why, I am not Shakespeare, this is not considered literature... but have) and you are looking for a place to live then... visit our website, or Facebook page. 

Monday, 27 July 2015

Big White is AWESOME! Ice Cream...

This girl tried a sample... a single taste...
'These are mine! Buwhahahaha!'
Yes, that is exactly how she sounds.
Yes it has been awhile, did you miss me? No...? Whatever.

We have just been to Italy! Yay! 'But...' I hear you say 'what has that gotta do with ice-cream...?' Well despite your poor grandma, I will tell you (it is a joke... grammar, grandma...? oh never mind).

In Italy they don't sell ice-cream... they sell gelato. Yes. And gelato is very similar to... to... to ice-cream. Yes! Happy now?

So... Spoons... I don't know why they named it Spoons but in Italy they have spoons too (not the ice-cream). I know, I know - Amazing! Spoons is at Beano's (Beano's sells coffee... also popular in (can you guess?) Starbucks.). 

Beano's is in the VCM, but really, you should stay far far away. 
Look at the (happy) dog...
and the (not so happy) boys...
with the empty cones...

In fact if you follow these simple guidelines you should be fine. 

  • Do not visit, 
  • do not look at the cones,
  • do not look at the flavours, 
  • do not wonder what they taste like, 
  • do not listen to the cute smiling girl behind the counter, 
  • do not engage in conversation with said girl, 
  • do not even make eye contact... and finally...
  • for the love of god... Do not sample.


Let me explain.
  • It is Delicious!
  • They have Big Servings!
  • It is Delicious! Nothing tastes as good as thin feels...? Wrong.
  • There are specials - Two for one when you buy a lift ticket.
  • They have those Home made cones, you know the good, thick, crunchy, tasty ones...? Yes, you do.
  • And they have all these flavours... which talk to you, in your mind... "Try me, try me, try me..."
  • Fresh ingredients - cream, milk, eggs, fresh fruit, (salted caramel not withstanding...)
  • The fruit is sourced locally, whatever is in season.
  • They prepare all the fruit by hand.
  • They make exotic flavours... Pinot Noir anyone...? Ha! They have none left.
  • Delicious! I know I said this twice already, but this is dangerous stuff man, you can't mess around with this.
But it all sounds good eh? Exactly! Too good! What do I mean? Er... hellooo... calories! Did you not see all the delicious comments...? It is dangerous.

Hmmm...! Crunchy! Don't be confused, these cones
don't have ice-cream yet.
Now it would be okay if you could just have a lick and say 'hmm, okay' but no, no, no. One lick leads to another, and then one ice cream leads to a tub... and then the next thing you know, your diet is down the drain and all those years of hard work and training are gone... like a puff on a candle... a flame, a thing of beauty, a light at the end of a dark tunnel... puff... gone. Of course if you are going/just been hiking... or skiing all day... then fill your boots.

See the little girl? That is the 'I finished...' and
'I'm now gonna eat my Dad's' grimace.
Dad has the 'no idea' look... but I think mum may know...
But how do I know all this? Well... in the interest of scientific research and my reader (thanks mum) I have been recently conducting taste testing (it is too late for me) on the said ice-cream. And the preliminary results of the limited sampling...

Some sampled flavours.
  • Cherries something or other. I don't know, it is kind of a vanilla with fresh cherries - Yum!
  • Creme Brûlée - same as regular Brûlée but creamy, and er... Yum!
  • Toffee Apple - ha! I don't like toffee apple... but er... Yum!
  • Chocolate - can't think of anything funny. Yum!
  • Salted Caramel - extra Yum! I think this is my favourite.
  • Raspberry something - spelt with a p, yes, who knew. Not tested, it was a disciplined day... and besides, they were closed.
  • Strawberry - more discipline/closed.
So, now you know. Yum is the standard result. Do not try this at home. And do not go near Spoons. 

This is the danger sign. It means stay away...
Well it should.
And don't think 'yeah, it is only open weekends, I can afford to eat ice cream at weekends...' No! They sell tubs as well, you can take it home! Bad, bad, bad! And you see all those flavours I mentioned? Yes? Once, I have been... I tried all those flavours in one visit! One! 

But all the cool kids are doing it... One little cone won't hurt... I can quit whenever I want... I'm not an ice-cream-aholic... It is just on the weekends... It relaxes me... 

Heard it before...?

Okay, here is the real reason for my blog - it is an Ad! Yes, for my own property company.
Sólido Properties, owns, manages, rents, (and pays a lot of bills for...) seasonal and staff accommodation at Beautiful (yes, with a capital B) Big White Ski Resort! We also conduct research on beer, coffee and ice cream and the continuous battle between calorie intake and expenditure... we are losing. And we are on Facebook! Of course I could have just put the Facebook link...

Tuesday, 26 May 2015

Big White is AWESOME! Coming for the Season (Yay!) Part duh...

Yeah, yeah, Big White's local
resident teddy bear.

Well... why not? You are young, free, single, good looking, and wondering what you are gonna do with your life.

Of course you are wondering 'Can I afford this...? Will I get a job...? Where will I live...? Will I make friends...? Will blah-de-blah come with me...? (dunno, I don't know blah-de-blah)... Will I get a work visa? Am I the kind of person that goes on adventures? (hint, if the answer is 'no' here, the next questions are 'Do I want to be...?' and 'Can I become...?')

And you may also be thinking but I can't ski/snowboard... I'll start with this. A little secret. You see Shaun White, you see Ted Ligety... you see any person on a snowboard or a pair of skis...? The secret? In the beginning there was light... I mean had never skied, never snowboarded... they (like you) started from zero! Yes, it is true. Now you have something in common with (insert your choice of favourite here). Yes, you too can learn. Me...? I never got on snow until one week shy of my 22 birthday, now I teach... at below a level three standard... cos I failed my three... twice.
My boss, no not my wife, the other one.
Started from zero... Yes, yes...

Okay, the other stuff.

Can I afford this?
It is about perspective, maybe the better question(s) to ask yourself 'do I want to use my savings, go into debt/max out my credit card, be very frugal and only spend what I earn...?' Or... 'is the reward worth the risk...?' The reward of course is a fantastic experience with memories that will last a lifetime. The risks are the other questions. Do you want memories that will last...? I am going to assume yes.
Best Job in the world.

Next question - will I get a job?
Step one of course is to get a work visa now (go on, go do it, I will wait).
Well, done. Step two is to apply for a job... Lifty... ski instructor... housekeeping... server... there are lots.

Jobs... or The Employment market conditions...
Big White themselves employ roughly 800 people during the season, 250 or so are returning staff, the rest 'adventurers!' yes, an emphasis! Or newbies. (no emphasis). Now let us not kid ourselves here, the work is not rocket science (we only have the Ridge Rocket... and that is a chair lift... and no science is done), or brain surgery (I can't think of a connection to that), or hedge fund management (we don't have hedges). 

Other mountain businesses - Globe, Sessions, Blarney, Beanos, Mountain Mart, Snowy
Yes... I ordered the beer.
Shall we discuss...?
Nights, Sam's... etc etc probably employ another 500.

The actual jobs are low pressure, moderate hours (you need time to perfect your snowboarding) and enough pay to survive (of course, wants and needs are different - I want a beer to give me courage to talk to that hot chick vs I need food to survive...) but the point is everybody survives and lots of guys talk to hot chicks (and vice versa).

1300 people... of a similar age... of a similar adventures nature... from all over the world...? I don't think I need to say more.

Work Visa.
You already have it right...? No...? I thought we discussed this earlier... Okay, if you don't this is the best place to start. Yes it is a link, click it.

Next - are you the kind of person that goes on adventures?
Okay, a bit of philosophy here.

  • Will this have a positive/negative impact on your life?
  • Will this make a difference in five years time?
  • Will you gain valuable life experiences?
  • Do I want to make friends for life?
  • Do you think people who travel and go on adventures are cool/uncool?
    Being cool! Well cold.
  • You are one person
    • On a planet of 7 billion people.
    • In a galaxy of a three hundred billion stars.
    • In a universe of of a hundred billion galaxies...
      • Or a speck of dust, on a speck of dust, on a... you get the idea.
So... wanna be cool?

What about a place to live? 
That is where I come in, well Sólido Properties. Yes, yes, this is a big o'l advertisement. But here is your chance to stop reading.

Still here...? Really...?

Places to stay. Big White have a limited number of Staff Accom places; these places are dedicated to first season peeps. If you are working for Big White direct this season, discuss during your job interview.

Other options include the youth hostel and private places; most places can be found on the Big White Facebook page...

The alternative is us! Yay! Sólido Properties, and yes run by people who do things like write blogs and type emphatic 'Yays!' we are that sophisticated... Yay!

Actually the emphatic stuff is cos we are mostly trying to fill in white space... see all the pictures? Ditto.

But the point is... we have lots of properties... Yay!
Okay now some boring stuff. Some tips on renting places at Big White.

  1. Rental Contract. Get one. A contract is a fixed agreement, terms of reference in case of disagreement. A contract is to protect both you and the landlord; and set expectations. Have all members of your group read, and understand what their cost obligations will be.
  2. Er... 
    1. If your landlord does not want to provide a contract, ask yourself why.
    2. A contract must contain three elements - Offer, Acceptance and Consideration. Without each of these three elements a contract will not exist.
      1. Offer - i.e. I the landlord will rent this property to you for $x.
      2. Acceptance - i.e. I accept your offer.
      3. Consideration. The property is the landlord's consideration. The payment (cash) is the tenant's consideration.
        1. This is important, it means without a deposit, a landlord has no obligation to honour the agreement.
Once you arrive.
  1. Budgeting.
    1. Many travellers have saved lots before they arrive, $5-$10k is not unusual.
    2. What is your monthly expected income?
    3. What are your expenses
      • Critical and Important - Rent, Food, Utilities.
      • Semi Critical but important - Ski/Snowboard equipment, lift pass.
      • Important but not Critical - Social activities, travel, recreational stuff.
  2. Manage your controllable costs.
    1. Electric is expensive, a $750 per month electric bill is a waste of money.
      • Keep the room temp around 21 degrees, this is not Australia, average ambient temp is -8... if you are cold, put on a sweater.
      • Keep windows closed.
      • Keep the hot tub covered when not in use.
      • Turn off lights.
      • Rule of thumb?
        • Use what your earning to cover expenses.
        • Use your savings for the fun stuff.
  3. Do a walkthrough. Ideally with your landlord.
    • Note any damage - take pics.
    • Note cleanliness - take pics.
    • Note deficiencies - take pics.
      • Send immediately to landlord.
  4. Roomies. Decide on cleaning tasks/rota - have everyone agree.
    • Your bff may have an alternative interpretation of 'clean...' i.e. 'my mum does it.'
    • Keep the place clean throughout the season. It will be more comfortable and easier when you leave.
  5. Paying your rent.
    • Be on time. The property owner/landlord has his own financial commitments. Mortgage, Strata Fee, Utilities, Property Tax, Contents Insurance, Buildings insurance, Sewer, Phone, Water, Cable. ...A Raven property I own has annual costs of $43k...
    • Pay it. You expect to receive your pay on time; be on time... and in the format agreed.

        What sort of rates?
        You can expect anything from up to $800 per person, per month for a shared room. But you want your own private room? Then double the rate. Too expensive? Then share... (as Yoda said... 'cake and eat you cannot have...''s in the new movie). The landlord/owner has to balance costs (...$43k...) against revenue options. Yes, yes I'm sure the owner bought a luxury property at Big White to rent to your group of buddies cheap cos you are 'nice'...

        Remember the Owner has Revenue Options
        Sure, since you are nice, I will let you have it cheap.
        No, no, I don't want to use it this season.
        There are two main rental revenue options - long term or vacation. The revenue from vacation rental rates are high - a one bed + den in Timbers generated $21k last season (2014/15); the owner is not going to rent it to your group for $10k. No... not even if you are really really really nice. You want a discount? Pay for the season upfront.

        Long Term - you guys.
        • Pros...
          • Stable income.
          • We are really really nice.
          • Lower management/marketing costs.
        • Cons...
          • Higher risk of damage.
          • Risk of leaving early.
          • Risk of late rent.
          • Risk of no rent.
          • Risk of noise and lots of complaints.
          • Risk of utilities not being covered.
        So... the vacation option looks good eh?

        Rates have been increasing, but they are what they are, why?
        Three main reasons, 
        • Less snow at other resorts mean more people are coming to Big White for vacations, this means more places are going to vacationers.
        • Increased numbers of Gap program groups paying higher rates - an owner would generate the $800 per night over Christmas and New Year and then get an 11 week booking straight after.
        • Weaker Canadian $ - more visitors from the USA and UK.
          • Yes, yes, I stole the idea from
            Got Milk.
        What about when you leave...?
        Remember the pictures you took when you arrived... showing cleanliness and any damage, unit issues...? The ones you sent to the landlord. Well you have to return the property in that condition.

        Sólido Properties do a full professional clean prior to property being occupied.
        • Every cupboard and drawer are emptied and wiped. Items are returned
        • Windows are cleaned.
        • Floors are vacuumed, shampooed and/or mopped (hard vs carpets)
        • Walls and electrical switches are wiped of grease marks.
        • Doors are cleaned of grease marks.
        • Baseboards are dusted and wiped.
        • Bathrooms are made spotless
        • Extraction fans are cleaned of dust...
          • etc etc etc
        Yes, yes, I'm gonna clean later... maybe...
        This takes time... lots. If my company is doing it, we are charging you. Out of the bond/damage deposit. The upside? You move into a super clean place... the downside you have to return it as found. Including removing food, clothing, boots, skis, snowboards, helmets, gloves, poles, bindings, bags... I don't want them, they create work and work costs money. Get rid of them or you are paying. Easy? Ha! It is almost June and we are still on clean-up.

        Which leads to the bond. Ensure you are aware of the bond terms. The bond is a damage deposit and different landlords have different approaches to the bond. We charge only for deficient items - cleaning, utilities, damages. Some landlords will find any reason to keep everything, so be careful. 

        Tip - A landlord is likely to ask you for a reference... you can ask him/her for a reference too... contact the previous tenants.

        As a landlord and property owner I try to maintain a mutually respectful relationship with my tenants. I need them to look after my places. One of the perks... I regularly bring them beer. But not always...
        • Your rent is late...? No beer for you.
        • There is a noise complaint? No beer for you.
          Looks good eh?
          No beer for you!
        • You have damaged a wall? No beer for you.
        • You have left garbage outside? No beer for you.
        • You are smoking in the unit...? No beer for you.
        • The place stinks of Pot...? Nooo... beeeer... for... yoooouuu....
        • You bring snowboards and skis into the unit...? Explicitly against the house rules...? When there is a fantastic ski locker...? No, no, no. No beer!
        • You can't open the window... yes, sure I'll drop everything, run around, open the window for you... no I don't have a life... no I don't mind it's 11:20pm and I was sleeping... Beer! Ha...! No.
        • You are unhappy because the $600 gourmet set of pans does not have a $12 none stick frying pan...? Beer...? I think... no beer.
        • Your lightbulb is out... really?
        • I have to chase you for rent...? Er... No beer!
        • You agreed to one group deposit each month but now want to pay cash, all eight... separately...?
          • Ha! No beer... ever!
        Departing your place.
        If you are going to be out on the 1st, then be out on the 1st. The $200 of condiments...? The frozen fruit and vegetables left in the freezer...? The two tins of soup and box of tea bags...?  If you have vacated the place, expect it to go to either the garbage or the food bank. But wait, what...? You hadn't vacated...? Really? Good. I need more rent.

        So... that is it... coming to Big White?

        Sólido Properties owns, manages, sells, develops, property at Big White... (well we did...) lives, skis, snowboards, drinks beer (I have lots left over) writes a crappy blog (when I can be bothered) plagiarizes lots of pics (thanks Gav, Andy, Klaus, etc etc.) And a bunch of other stuff that I can't think of right now but for sure cool... or cold.

        Need a place to stay? Email or contact us on Facebook.

        Big White is AWESOME!!! Non seasonal staff are... sometimes worthy of a story, or two...

        I've been looking after and renting/managing property at Big White since 2003... well for the first ten years it was very casual, starti...