No, not Bob Casson, higher.
Not Lucy Gilbert either, and she is not my boss, she just has cats... too many!
Not Josh, higher.
No, not even Michael J, even higher.
No! Not god... in between Michael J, and god...
Yes! Peter P! The leader of the free world! ...Okay, of the mountain. And guess what he was wearing? Blue underwear!

Well... I know because my wife mentioned it. No... I don't know how she knew... wait...
Anyway, it is kind of the reason I am excited. No, not the blue underwear specifically. More that Peter's blue underwear matched his mountain bike! (I don't know who dressed him, Sally probably... no... I don't know what colour underwear she has on...). The blue underwear/mountain boy/bike was at the top of the mountain... he had ridden up from the Snowpines side. Now I had been shown these paths a couple of years ago...
I had never really bothered with them, they were on the other side of the mountain, overgrown, difficult to find and a bit hard... which comes into play if you are lazy. Besides I hiked lots on my side.
But people were on the mountain... and biking... I asked the young one "Did you come up from Snowpines?" Yes... muddy apparently. I had better check this out, my two readers need to know what's going on!
I know it is not quite Watergate... but still.
So... breaking news! Someone has been riding a mountain bike, and enough so the path is clearly visible. Do you remember when Big White laid out the hiking trail? The first time I did it, whilst traversing the cliff, I missed the actual route and went too high. But in just a short season the regular foot traffic makes the trail clearly visible. Foot traffic makes a difference.
So I followed this (no longer hidden) path...
Sunday was my 64th trip up the mountain since the last ski season ended, 65th if you count the one time I went 'Miking' this year. This page for more info on Miking. Yes a sport I invented two years ago, interestingly since that day the population of the whole world have collaborated in not adopting said sport. Pretty impressive eh? I should be in politics.
Monday became the 66th trip... not hiking, and not Miking... but yes! Mountain Biking! There is a beautiful, fairly shallow gradient (well I could ride it) path to the top of the Snow Ghost; and at that point you can easily follow the hiking trail across to the top of the Bullet.
This was my route-
Pretty cool eh? Actually the path is not an official path, and there were a couple of areas I had to stop and get off the bike, (man, that was a relief) and push, but easier than riding the maintenance trail (Miking). Down hill, I followed the Falcon hiking trail, from the top of Snowghost... the same one from the 'Chairlift Challenge' but hiking trails can be challenging to ride. I had to get off a few times... cos I wuz scared... Hey did I tell you the last time I went Miking I went over the handlebars? Yes, but but but, I landed on my feet... no, not Ninja style, more WTF (Well That's Fantastic - for the under 12's) style.
But the ride was beautiful... stunning... tranquil... it made my life... Richer!
Pushing my own blog here, a while back I wrote about where I would live if I was rich... here - living the millionaire lifestyle without being a millionaire. Actually I am an inverse millionaire... yes I owe the bank $4m... remember the Edge? That was me. No, at the time, it wasn't funny. But my point is my millionaire lifestyle has just got richer... And it is thanks to Big White, oh... and blue underwear boy.
Actually... they were blue cycling shorts, but that is not funny is it.
Sólido Properties, Hikes, Mikes and now Mountain Bikes up Big White mountain! And we drink beer, and we have dogs and we write a crappy blog (really, do you have nothing better to do? Nobody gets this far... go and do something productive)... And we operate a seasonal rental business. Actually the main reason I started this was to generate business... no I haven't been blogging much... it is cos I'm full... oh, and out of good ideas.
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