Thursday, 10 March 2016

Big White is AWESOME! Sante's... They Lie!

Yes they do.

In this ground breaking expose arguably comparable the to Watergate scandal our (aware of the) Pulitzer prize; investigative reporter (me), discovered through, thorough (did you like that?) investigative and comprehensive undercover research (I was drinking beer after hours). That...

Wait for it.

I discovered Santa's bar and restaurant are guilty of false advertising! Gross misrepresentation of the facts. And... they continue to do this.

I saw this and I thought 'somebody should make the public aware'. But who? Then I thought, 'wait, I'm a somebody; I, can do this'. 

Of course the decision to expose this 'falsehood' was not taken lightly. My first port of call was to discuss the situation with the manager. Dawn (pronounced Don, or Dawn...) Dawn is a long time resident, and established member of the community - not only does she work hard, but in her spare time is an aficionado of the (un)popular (but more popular than this blog) pageant - 'Miss Pregnant America. Lack of research has begged the question - do you have to be unmarried and pregnant? Or is the 'Miss' artistic license...?


They Lie!

On Saturday's Sante's have something called 'Super Stein Saturdays' they promote 20% more beer for the price of a regular beer. This is false.

Whilst doing some foggy math (I was drinking these beers) I realized a regular beer is 16oz, a stein offered?  20oz... Yes, 20oz! 'Wait...' I thought, something is amiss. So putting my MBA to task I started crunching numbers (not only did I do Financial Risk Management but also other 'county' thingies...) 

10% of 16 is 1.6; ergo 20% is 3.2. Do you see my point? Their Stein's are 25% bigger, 25% more for the price of a regular beer. "Dun, dun, dunnnn..." Yes, I caught them in their vicious lie.

But it did not end there. Being a good doer, I brought this startling fact to the attention of Miss Pregnant America aficionado - yes Dawn. "What...?" was her initial response, closely followed by "Do you have nothing better to do...?" Compelling evidence, no? I suggested amendments to their 'false advertising' but she just looked at me and walked away. I put it to you readers; is this the action of an innocent party? No! I did not think so either.

Of course, a regular beer IS 20% less, (20% of 20 is 4; 20 less 4 is 16) maybe they should be honest, either tell the world that Saturdays is 25% more for free... Or... that Sunday through Friday, you can enjoy 20% less beer for the same price as Saturday's special... 

So, I urge you, my reader(s), go and check it out this Saturday.

But does it end there? Santa's have specials every day! Maybe I should check for other 'misrepresentations'.

Sólido Properties owns, manages, monitors and maintains properties at Big White Ski Resort. And... and... and... writes gibberish and drinks beer (obviously). Normally I would add pictures n' stuff but being lazy or rubbish (you can decide), I didn't.

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Big White is AWESOME!!! Non seasonal staff are... sometimes worthy of a story, or two...

I've been looking after and renting/managing property at Big White since 2003... well for the first ten years it was very casual, starti...