Last night (Thursday - yes I am behind) the Carrs hosted a night at the Globe to celebrate their acceptance and approval to be permanent residents of Canada!!! Woohoo! Well done guys... so exciting...
Unfortunately I missed the first couple hours as I was (speak with an aloof voice here) attending a world class squash clinic in town. Now just to clarify, I wasn't doing the world class stuff, the world No. 44 (world No.1 doubles) was doing that... I was doing the mediocre, over the hill, mid-life crisis, fat, bald guy thing... but we were on the same court...
And yes Manon, there are more than 45 squash players in the world, thank you very much! Just for you I will be eventually doing a blog on my 'love' of all things French... oh, wait a minute I can do it now-
Things I love about the French-
There, finished.
My comments won't cause any strikes I hope...
Anyhooo... The Carrs
Joy - mum extraordinaire. Mother to four other family members - all very nice but do need good mothering...
Charlie... Charlie is on my soccer team and now I think he kind of puts up with my presence. Last year Charlie started playing hockey with us... and I mention it because every time I was on the ice with Charlie, he would give me the dirtiest looks... ever... EVER! No, I am not joking, these looks could stop a charging gorilla at 50m.
But Charlie also has the cutest smile, when he is happy... or when he is playing soccer and takes out a bigger player... funny... it's the evil grin...
Quick joke... what do you call a gorilla with a machine gun?
Ned - I don't know Ned that well, he chats with my daughter quite a bit... Ned is on thin ice...
Lucy - Lucy is a bit of a bully to me, poking with straws, bits of wood, kicking and hitting. Eventually she has had enough and retaliates... of course this leads to tickling. But as the Bearestine bears will attest - there is such a thing as too much fun... so the tickling usually leads to (my) tears... occasionally Lucy pretends to feel bad... but... no apologies... ever!
What we need is more Sugar! |
Ha! mum had played a trick on him... she had moved house! Well not really, she had parked the car (slightly) in-front of another house. Combined with excessive amounts of sugar; this created confusion (more...?) in Jaime's head - the discussions on Alien civilizations had been taxing. He could not get the door codes to work on either the garage or the front door...
...Of the wrong house... way, way too much sugar I think... we tried to help "Jaime, are you at the right house...?" And there were a couple of subtle clues - but obviously the big brass number at eye level, on the door... did not help... 'why is this three, not a four?'
Eventually of course Jaime found the right house and got in the door... the expectation was loud choice words from mum... we decided not need to enjoy those, and we scurried off...
Welcome to Canada!