Sunday, 18 August 2013

Big White is AWESOME! Employment..

Big White estimate there are roughly 1300 seasonal staff each year at Big White. And using my advanced math skills and a very complicated formula I was able to calculate with a 5% significance level the number of employment opportunities available at the resort.

I could be way off but the calculations point to around 1300...

I have touched on working at Big White before, so apologies if I am repeating myself.

Seasonal staff begin to arrive early October (earlier in some cases) but most jobs will not start in earnest until the season begins - late November/ early December. This will mean potentially a couple of months without income... expenses are ongoing so you should factor this into you travel budget.

Employment types -
It is a resort, tourist driven industry - Big White requires - serving staff, cleaners, snow clearers, labourers (skilled sometimes helps - electrician etc), lift operators, ski/snowboard instructors etc etc.

There are some positions that will begin earlier... for example if you get a position in housekeeping you may find yourself part of the property preparation teams. A serving position at Sam's may commence in November (as may Globe, Blarney Stone and the store) which will help with your budget...

A liftie or ski instructor will not start until skiing starts obviously...

You should also ask yourself how important the skiing activities are, compared to the job - a Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm is going to limit your skiing to the busy weekends - an evening job on the other hand...

If it was me (and I did a season in France a long time ago) my first port of call would be the bars and restaurants -

Blarney Stone
6 Degrees
Black Diamond
Kettle Valley Steak House
Loose Moose Lounge
Raakels (if opening)
Snowshoe Sam's
The Market at Big White
The Bakery
Gunbarrel Grill
Underground Pizza.

Other employments opportunities-
Vacation Services
Big White - by far the largest employer on the mountain.
Rent Chalets
Chalets at Big White
Medical Clinic.
Big White Spa Services
Major Domo

Do a Google search - you will find them.

Some places will help you with your ski pass - ask in advance. And some employers help with providing or finding accommodation (Big White, The Market, Beano's). Looking for jobs earlier will help find a better position - the best jobs will go first!

Keep in mind all employers require a full season commitment - you getting bored in March and leaving, creates problems. With this in mind employers try to 'encourage' commitment - Big White tie the seasons pass and accommodation to the position. Some employers may offer an end of season bonus - paying for your ski pass if you finish the season etc. 

For some of you this may be your first real job - being late, being drunk, taking random days off, and or hungover is not acceptable - you are the responsible adult! 

And keep in mind businesses at Big White have 12 months of fixed costs but only 5 months of revenue... the beer you serve may have a 20% profit margin, out of which has to come - wages, rent, utilities, delivery service, cleaning etc etc. Your 15% tip is more than the bar makes - don't resent the owner his profit.

Other than that have fun! It will be an experience of a lifetime, you will meet new people, make great friends, and create lifetime, lasting memories.

Sólido Properties owns, rents, manages property and buys (beer) at Big White. We offer guaranteed or direct to owner income. If you are interested in renting or would like to know more contact us on Facebook or our webpage.

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Big White is AWESOME!!! Non seasonal staff are... sometimes worthy of a story, or two...

I've been looking after and renting/managing property at Big White since 2003... well for the first ten years it was very casual, starti...