Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Big White is AWESOME! Why we need to become our own Municipality...

Big White is part of the Regional District of Kootney Boundary. I believe it should be its' own municipality. Without being an expert or really, even moderately knowledgable about the workings of local government, there appears to be some obvious reasons.

Tax Base and Budget Allocation.
I have mentioned this before and I highlight the fact again. Last year the property tax submitted to RDKB was $4.2m. Approx 49% went to Provincial - schools, police and hospital funding. And approx 50% was allocated to Big White - fire department etc.

Net zero - we put in net $2.1m the community receives net $2.1m. However.

  • The RDKB budget for the district is $33m this year. The property tax revenue is expected to be $17m. Extra funding comes from asset management, previous budget surpluses, revenue streams, provincial funding programs etc.
  • This means for every dollar of tax sent to RDKB there is $2 of spending allocation.
  • Proportionately Big White should have $8.8m allocated to the area - not $2.1m

This year the RDKB's Recreational and Cultural Development budget is $6.4m. Projected over the next 5 years it is similar. Zero is allocated to Big White - Zero! 

Provincial Funds
Big White cannot apply for provincial funding. 

Sun Peaks secured $470k of provincial funding in March 2012. Sun Peaks, under the Resort Municipality Initiative (RMI) is eligible for $310k per annum to focus on the goal of increasing visitation in the Summer and Shoulder seasons.

Click Here.

Big White would be entitled to similar if it achieved Resort Municipality Status.

Real Estate Values
There are numerous factors putting downward pressure on property values at Big White. One of the factors is the ability to finance a purchase - banks are reluctant to lend to resort and/or recreational property purchasers. Municipality status would change the banks view of lending to buyers at Big White. This would-

  • Attract more buyers.
  • Attract more residents
  • Increase values.
  • Increase tax base.
  • Generate more revenue for existing business
  • Encourage more businesses to open during the off and summer seasons.
  • Create Community Growth.

Fair Representation
Big White represents almost 25% of the net tax base of the RDKB - we have no say in how budgets are allocated. 3000 property owners at Big White - zero influence.

Self Direction, competition and growth.
Sun Peaks - with $310k per annum to develop the resort? We can only compete, if we have a fair playing field - "Come to Big White in the Summer - we have nothing." Is our current offering. But market conditions change with marginal increases - the Globe has seen huge increases in customers this summer, achieving lots, with very little - imagine what we could achieve with a sustained campaign budget and self directed resort plan? lots?

5-Year Plan.
Where will Big White be in 10 years? The same? No, please, if our competition is moving forward and we are stagnant... we are moving backwards.

Five years, is my goal to Resort Municipality status - but I cannot do it alone. We need to determine what, and execute, the actions needed, to achieve that goal.

Complacency achieves nothing...

No comments:

Big White is AWESOME!!! Non seasonal staff are... sometimes worthy of a story, or two...

I've been looking after and renting/managing property at Big White since 2003... well for the first ten years it was very casual, starti...