Sunday, 4 August 2013

Big White is AWESOME! Random Musings 2


So I not only finished my MBA but I also passed... woohoo! I can now put MBA after my name. So with all my experience, 5 years of study and hardwork... I write a blog... what? I do other stuff as well... dishes, and drink coffee (yes Juda, I will pay... maybe, when I make some money).

My lovely wife Susan is the literature graduate, me I am the business guy (yes Susan, it is still business even if I don't make money... or even if I lose it... have you guys seen the Edge...?) 

Good on ya mate.
Funny how life is, she doesn't write and I don't make money... But I am confident, one day I won't have to make any money, one day money will be irrelevant, one day I will be old and senile and will yell at people and tell them their coffee is cold... Cos no-one gets out alive - whatever path we take, we all have the same destination - so choose a good path, oh, and a good partner.

But if you don't choose a good partner, have fun making sure their lives are miserable... only joking, but that does lead me back to Jo and Brad... what? You know, three (or four) posts ago.

Jo & Brad are the happiest people I have ever met, they are always smiling, always chatty, always happy to see you (Paul...) But note, they are single - not married, no boyfriend/girlfriend, no significant other, unless you count Lucy - Jo's dog, and er... Brad's truck...

Susan asked me "could I always be that jolly?"

"No." I laughed - "I'm married." she didn't laugh. But she is Canadian. Actually the Canadian sense of humour is similar to the English one, except not funny.... I got that 'look' when I explained this to her... good job we've already had a 'cuddle' this year... G rated. 


You have seen them in any major urban area, city centre - Vancouver, Toronto, London even Kelowna. Big White does not have any panhandlers... All of these places are big and successful and popular - now there is a movement to evolve Big White into a year round resort, to fill the 17,000 or so empty beds, to become its' own municipality, to grow and 'be all it can be'. 

What does Big White not have? What is the difference between Big White and other popular places? I was at Silver Star yesterday, man what a contrast, they have tons of mountain biking trails, lifts open for hiking, all the stores in the village were open, coffee shop, bars, there is a wine festival coming, art gallery open, a wedding going on - it was busy busy busy!

 Big White is behind the ball here, and we need to catch up, we need to take the next step... we need to be the leader this time - we need to be first with our very own resident panhandler!

Nominations to Michael J, please.

People at Big White.

Have you seen all these people around? Man it is great, we have renters in the Raven, in the Timbers, in Trailside, in Crescendo... I believe a big part of all these people really is the Globe - now that they are established and people in Kelowna know it is open... I think it makes a big difference. Hats of to Jude, oh and that other guy - Debbie Harry.

Mission Idiotpossible.

Yes, I got stuck on the cliff, actually it was caught on film-
Obviously I am in disguise, it is a wig. And it is the abbreviated version if you are wondering.

The mountain is my Muse.

It is really - I hike up there (or get stuck on the cliff, whatever) and I think of crap things to blog about - actually people ask me all the time 'Why do I blog?" maybe next time I will answer that one, along with the other popular question "will you please stop?" 

I was the little black dot on the right, no not that one, the other one, next to the white dog.
Actually, I think we may be in for a treat next week, we may have a celebrity writer contributing... da da daaaa!. I told him any article had to be up to scratch... which is marginally above crap. Once he gets the level right (low enough) we may see something.


I am off to England again - London this time, apparently the city cannot survive without my input - must be the education. I was supposed to go today, but after the recent change, it changed... and again... so now I am off on Saturday... probably...

Okay that is it for my random musings this time.


Sólido Properties owns, manages, rents properties and buys (beer) at Big White Ski Resort. If you are looking for long term rental revenue or guaranteed income contact us.


Friday, 2 August 2013

Big White is AWESOME! Property & GST (not awesome) at Big White.

Er boring!

Yes I know.

I worked as a realtor at Big White for three years and I have developed & sold numerous homes on the mountain - GST always came up.

Goods and Services Tax (GST) is the biggest pain (for me) when it comes to home ownership at Big White. The rules are complicated and sometimes a grey area. I have been dealing with property for 13 years. When I set up Sólido Properties I consulted my accountant - PMF (who incidentally was a partner with KPMG) for some guidance. PMF referred me to a GST consultant.

  1. GST is applicable on property purchases, in the time I have been at Big White this has ranged from 7%, 6%, 5%, 12% and now back to 5%. 12% on a $2m property, the sum is significant (I sold three $2m places and numerous $1m+)
  2. GST can be deferred on the purchase price if the intent is to rent the property on a short term basis - 30 days or less, i.e. vacation rentals.
  3. As an owner you are permitted your own use for 10% of the rentable period. With only a 5 month season at Big White, this equates to half a month or two weeks.
  4. Without doing the actual analysis most realtors agree 95% of purchasers at Big White chose to defer the GST payment.
  5. If you defer, you charge GST to your renters - makes sense really; if you will only use the property a couple of weeks a year, let your renters pay the tax.
In addition if you use a full management rental company, they usually charge the GST anyway.

But what happens if you use the property for 20% of the time one year? Or your renter wants to occupy the property for 11 weeks? (right now I have 60 skiers in the UK looking for 11 week rentals). Technically you are supposed to self assess and pay a proportionate amount of GST. What happens if next year your revert to below the 10% ceiling? Well you self assess again and claim back the GST... What happens if you occupy over two tax years like Christmas and New Year? Well, proportionate again, per year. 

Head hurting yet? What if you GST report monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, annually...?

Ok, what if you bite the bullet and pay the GST? Well a couple of things now (and this is not official - speak to your accountant) you may be able to get a new home rebate (36% of the 5% GST you pay.) Maybe...

In addition, you can pay your GST and then enjoy unlimited use and/or long term rentals and then change the usage back to short term (when you want to sell) and claim back the GST - but only up to the amount you originally paid. So if you pay at a $200k value today and the property doubles in value you can only recover at the $200k level, at the rate you paid.

Again - talk to your accountant and even then the answer may still be wrong...

With GST at 5% and property values below the 2000 levels (in some properties) it could be worth paying...

So (this is not to advice) the path I am going to follow with my properties here. I am going to pay the GST on the property, and since it has always been GST registered, try to claim back the rebate.

Sólido Properties owns, manages, rents properties and buys (beer) at Big White Ski Resort - and the disclaimer again - this is not accounting or tax advice!

For more confusion visit Revenue Canada.

Thursday, 1 August 2013

Big White is AWESOME! Cos the people pt 3 - The Jude...

The Jude...
Co owner with Paul at The Globe, Big White - some say the better half (everyone) some say the weaker half (Paul) but who am I to say...?

Jude is very famous and actually the song 'Hey Jude' by the Beatles was written about someone else - Judith Charmers. The demo version was originally entitled 'hi Judith' - true story...

As you know Ms Charmers hosted the very popular UK show "Wish You Were Here." Another famous Sri Lankan, Roger Waters, loved this program so much he convinced the rest of the group -Pink Floyd- to compose the famous album "The Wall." in honour of said Charmers.

Similarly to Jude, both Roger Waters and Paul McCartney probably have the same number of fingers as our Jude.

Our lovely Jude was at the recent Beatles (minus 3, plus some others) concert in Seattle where Paul McCartney actually sang some songs... including (you guessed it) "Yesterday." And coming full circle, our Jude was in attendance...!  Can you say coincidence?

Another very interesting thing about our Jude is the Brunt family dog - Juda (one of the Big White Dogs) Jude has often commented that she thinks she looks kind of like Juda...

Not sure I see the resemblance myself, but you be the judge - 

If you are around at Big White visit Globe and check out the family resemblance whilst having a free coffee (only $2.50) or a Guinness - Globe is open all the time (except when it isn't). And the rumour is (which I am just starting now) we may see Globe open late Friday and Saturday nights... during the ski season...! 

Sólido Properties manages, owns and rents, property; buys (beer) and sells nothing at Big White ski resort. For more information, contact us through Facebook.

Living proof that old Floydy was wright about not needing education.

Sunday, 28 July 2013

Big White is AWESOME! A note on property taxes...

So I spent yesterday looking at the RDKB's financial statements, budgets and property tax statements. There has been talk of incorporating Big White, so I thought I would get my head around it - fun times!

In 2012 Big White paid $4.19m in property tax. 49% goes to Provincial School, Rural and Police tax. Leaving $2.1m. However if you only calculated net property taxes, generated by the RDKB, the number is less than $9m. Therefore Big White's taxes account for effectively 24% of the net income (2.1m/8.77m = 24%). If Big White contributes 24% of the tax income theoretically it should benefit from the budget for say Recreational & Cultural Services?

(The math is $5.070 billion of assessed values, blended rate of $3.67 per thousand = $17.2m x 51% = $8.77m). Link (pages are not numbered - you need to look at the 5th to last page)

The 4th to last page shows annual property taxes vs budget. Without having the actual numbers it looks like about 60% of the total annual budget is property tax.

Now the RDKB's gross budget for 2013 is $33m - requisitions make up $17m, Grants etc etc, the rest (including reserve fund $2.2m and last years surplus $2.1m).

It could be argued that Big White does not contribute to the $5.2m of user fees generated through assets owned by the Regional District. However, those assets were acquired through everyone's taxes, including Big White's.

Below is the RDKB budget for Recreational & Cultural Services - the 2013 budget is $6.4m.  In 2012 the budget was $6m+. And over the next 5 years the planned budgets will be similar. (Page 9 of 18.)

Culture Arts & Rec in the Lower Columbia $1,808,346 
Beaver Valley Arena $576,336 
Beaver Valley Recreation $235,420 
Beaver Valley Parks & Trails $850,110 
Parks & Trails - Electoral Area 'B' $257,479 
Recreation Program - Grand Forks & Area 'D' $448,616 
Recreation Commission - Greenwood, Midway , 'E' $42,283 
Recreation Commission - Christina Lake $62,323 
Christina Lake Recreation Facilities $51,319 
Grand Forks Community Centre 0 
Boundary Museum Service $30,000 
Area 'C' Regional Parks & Trails $258,560 
Beaverdell Community Club Service $19,950 
Area 'D' Regional Parks & Trails $41,373 
Area 'E' Regional Parks & Trails $6,273 
Grand Forks Arena $586,094 
Grand Forks Curling Rink $85,988 
Grand Forks Aquatic Centre $717,087 
Regional Library Services - Grand Forks, Areas 'C' & 'D' $342,490 
Library - Specified Area 'E' $3,500

Grand Total $6,423,548

Have a look at the budget, there are quite a number of line items... but zero for Big White. The RDKB indicates 31% of the budget goes to Recreational stuff.

The other interesting thing is assets owned by the RDKB - it appears they have combined cash funds and capital assets of $43m - it could be argued Big White contributed 24% of this. (Page 1 of the Consolidated Financial Statements.

So, what does this all mean? Well, it looks like Big White gets about $2.1m of benefits - the equivalent amount of net funds (or 51% of Gross) it sends to the RDKB. In comparison the RDKB spends about double the Gross tax revenue. Or to be equally compensated, Big White should see $8.4m flow into the community.

The Problem.
The problem is we don't have a voice, 3,000 +/- properties and no votes, we don't have fair representation for the taxes we submit. I am told the last census indicated 105 permanent voting residents at Big White. At the last local government elections, Bill Baird won the election with 354 votes to Christopher Stevenson's 204. A 100% turnout would do little.

I would like to see Big White grow and become independent, to control its own destiny, we have a lot of smart people at Big White - surely we know how to manage our own budgets...?  

I am green to municipal organizations, I have no idea about politics or running a city but I am told we need a referendum. 

So to summarize - 

  • For every dollar the RDKB spends, $.60c+/- is collected in property tax.
  • For every tax dollar Big White submits, $.51c gets returned. (actually it looks like less - 15% going to Area E?) Pie Chart at the bottom.
  • For every dollar the rest of the region submits $2 gets returned.
  • The RDKB will spend $6.4m on Recreation and Cultural improvement this year. Zero is allocated to Big White.
Let's have a voice!

Add your comment or email me.

Thursday, 25 July 2013

Big White is AWESOME! Dogs!

I grew up in England - Wigan to be precise (don't laugh). And my childhood was full of local dogs; many families on our street had a dog, Ben, Rusty, Sheba, Lassie (x3), Laddie, Blackie (he was Black...) Shep, Rover... etc etc. Everyday you would see these dogs hanging around the street, playing with the kids. Actually they probably help keep the kids safe.

Over time things changed, dogs had to be on a leash, under control, kept indoors, out of site and out of mind... pretty sad for me.

But not really at Big White, go to the Globe on any given day and you have a chance of seeing - Yoda, Lucy, Hobbes, Pixel, two Golden Retrievers (sorry Lance I cannot remember their names), sometimes a Border Collie and occasionally a Chihuahua (had to look up the spelling...) it is cool, it reminds me of my childhood when things were more relaxed and a little less tense.

This week was not a good week for the canine community. You probably know that someone tried to take my two dogs... luckily both were saved by Dan. Then a couple of days later Leanne lost Yoho... he died at the kennel. Aged five... what? He was a Bernese - not a long life expectancy... but five? I have lost dogs before, but old age, kind of expected, less of a loss.

So sad. :( I would see Leanne and Yoho on the cross country trails in the winter - and you can bet, to Yoho, it was the best thing ever... Ever!

Loosing a dog is like loosing a family member...

My first dog was a Corgi cross, named Candy. I was three when he died, he got run over in front of the house, I was with my best friend Ian Potter (no relation to Harry)  - we saw it happen. Candy yelped and yelped and then had a green... she had to be put down.

But the point is, I was three, who remembers being three? I remember everything, it was traumatic, I remember everything because Candy was a part of the family, I remember everything because Candy never came back... I was three, and Candy was gone...

A few weeks ago my friends the Isfans lost their dog - a chocolate Lab. She was old tho, she was expected to die, she was a part of the family and now she is gone. Sad.

A dog does not need money, fancy clothes, posh wine... a dog does not need luxury. A dog needs nothing but companionship, exercise and attention. A dog will love you, and would die for you. A dog will follow you to the ends of the earth, just to be with you, your dog's love is unconditional, forever. Isn't that what everyone wants, unconditional love?

So to Yoho... You will be missed, and to the rest of the dogs at Big White, Cheers! 

And if you do see a dog a Big White, say 'Hi'.

A true dog story.

When Susan and I were in Former Yugoslavia, she lived in Split for a while. Next door, there was this (the best way to describe him) vicious German Shepard, killer guard dog - Byron. I grew up with dogs, but Byron, he scared the living daylights out of me.

Anyway I decided I was going to make friends with Byron. Every night I would take scraps out to him. And every night when I got close he tried to rip out my throat. After a while he would try to rip out my throat, realize it was the 'good food dude', and chill a little. I would give him the food, he would gobble it down... and then try to rip out my throat - as you do if you are a vicious killer dog.

Eventually I got to the point where he was relaxed with the 'good food dude' and happy to see me. Me? I was still cautious of him - he was behind bars so could not 'get' to me but still...

One day I turn into the street and I see Byron... and he is out of his controlled environment. I stop... he looks at me, his ears are up, his eyes are black and he is now still... just watching...

What do I do? This is a killer guard dog, he is big, terrifying and no longer caged... And he is staring at me...

What did I do? I thought 'shit', then I thought f*** it, instantly I acted as his friend, I bent down, padded my thighs and called to him 'come on Byron, come here... good boy'. Byron changed, no longer killer guard dog, but friendly matey dog, his buddy had arrived... 'hey dude, good to see you man, scratch my ears and wrestle with me...  I am out, how much fun is that? got any scraps?'

Byron became my (uncaged) friend, I would go to his place, pick him up and take him running with me. Scary, but my friend.

Actually I am totally allergic to dogs, but for me it is worth it, in my opinion, you will never, ever get a more trusting, loyal and reliable companion. Dogs are AWESOME!

Friday, 19 July 2013

Big White is AWESOME! Cos of the People 2 - The Paul.

As attractive as Brad is... I do have the perfect woman for me, my lovely wife Susan. I knew she was perfect when I realized she was laughing at my crappy jokes, and was willing to spend more than 10 minutes with me - not much more, but still. 

Of course I had to be careful with my decision - did I really want to spend the rest of my life with a woman that would marry someone like me...? In the end I accepted that I just got a much better deal than she did. 

So, people at Big White 2: After an overwhelming response (just under two) clamouring for less, it was time to expand, and maybe create a series.

The Paul.

Who? Guy that owns the Globe with Jude (who?), speaks funny, (huh?) looks like Debbie Harry (the later years) - ah, now you got him?

This section is a bit R rated so you may want to close your ears.

The Paul and I are different and yet similar which leads to great banter between the two of us.

For example I would say something like "Hi Paul" and he will instantly come back with gems like 'F**k off Chris' or 'Shut the f**k up' or the eternal - 'Don't f**king talk to me'

Ahhh, classic Paul. Sometimes I don't even have to start before he jumps in with his side...

Paul can often be found at the Globe talking about Manchester United - I think it is a carpet shop or something. And the mere mention of Sir Alex Tony Robinson or George Better is enough to bring a tear to his eye.

When I first met Paul he would always sit alone with three pints of Guinness in front of him. Sit and sip and stare, sit and sip and stare... Eventually I had to ask what he was doing. After we got passed the playful banter (see above) he told me that he and his two brothers would always sit and drink a pint of Guinness in their home town of New Delhi. 

When they went their separate ways, they promised once a month to sit and drink three pints of Guinness, one for each brother, and reflect on their East Indian roots. How cool is that?

One day tho, I see Paul sipping only two pints... "uh oh", I thought, has something happened to a brother? I gently ask "Did something happen to your brother?" 

"F**k off... wait, what?" He responds, sounding a bit like that funny uncle you used to have, the one that was way, way to touchy feely...

"Two beers...? Did something happen to a brother...?" I say.

"F**k off Chris, nothing has happened to my brothers, I'm on antibiotics, Dr's orders, I can't drink... these pints are theirs, you numpty" Apparently 'numpty' is a word in New Delhi - who knew? 

Come share some banter with Paul at the Globe - open everyday! But he is not there, ever...

Gavin is tho...

Thursday, 18 July 2013

Big White is AWESOME! Cos of the people...

It is 'Jo', not 'Joe' as I was reliably informed by someone who would know - Jo herself... Sorry Joe. 

Jo not Joe.
Jo is the always, always smiling and very pretty face at the Globe - even when she only has four hours sleep she is bright and cheerful and always, always performs the hyper critical task of keeping my coffee cup, full of coffee. Ah... I love the smell of coffee in the morning...

And sometimes on the rare occasion I fulfill my side of the bargain and actually pay for the coffee... but not too often, I need to ensure expectations are managed, and not too high...
No fires here... Yet.

And look guys, Jo is cute - if I was not married, had kids, two dogs, a mortgage bigger than god, was 25 years younger, better looking, could actually talk coherently, and rich - I would be all over Jo...

The other staff face of the Globe is our Brad - guess what is Brad's other special skill? Yes, correct, he is an electrician. Brad is fairly new to the Globe but he has quickly become popular with all the canine community! We expect Brad to advance rapidly - if he continues the good work he will in two-three years become recognized as a semi permanent, potentially full (probationary) member of the temporary staff... list of employee applicants - keep up the good work Brad! 

And ladies - Brad is single... eh eh? I tell you if I was not married, kids, dogs, mortgage... 

If you are wondering about the outfit there seems to be a strong correlation between fires and Brad, whenever, wherever there is a fire Brad can usually be found slinking around with his big hose... matches and a gas can - but if you are (allegedly) starting fires, wear the best safety gear - protection and camo when the real ERT's arrive. Genius! And many people have not accused Brad of not being smart.

Love you guys :)

Anyway to paraphrase Oscar Newton John - work is the scourge of the drinking classes so you'd better shape up. (it is an inside (my head) joke).

Come visit us in the Summer - it is Awesome!

Sunday, 14 July 2013

Big White is AWESOME! End of hiking week.

Looking from the top of Cliff Chair down to the lake.
Sunday was the last day of my 7 day personal, challenge and it was finished with a great hike - 14km with the Brunt family, and a dog pack including Yoda, Hobbes, Pixel and Lucy. Critters on the mountain were almost had a slightly higher risk from the canine gang of cuddly pets.

The day started at Globe with a quick coffee and then  a gentle pace to Rhonda lake (Anyone know why it is called Rhonda?). Past Rhonda, up the saddle and up to the peak. My GPS tells me the peak elevation was 7,602 ft. Is this correct for Biggie?

From the Big White peak we headed towards the top of Falcon Chair and then over to the top of the Gem Chair.

What an awesome day, I have been up the mountain numerous time but never hiked to the top of Falcon or Gem - it is so cool up there, very moon-scapey in places and we got to see the elusive Gem Lake - which is bigger than expected.

From Gem it was a traverse across, staying as high as possible without climbing again to end up at the top of Powder Chair, Ghost and Ridge Chairs respectively. Lots of rocky areas to traverse, slow (ish) and great fun for the kids to 'path-find'. Luca and Owen where the leaders - why do 10 year old boys not get tired?

Fun with the Brunt Family!
I use 'MapmyFitness' to track runs/hikes etc. And it told me I had expended 1500 calories +. So of course finishing at the Globe, we had to get some much needed replenishment in the form of libations (hmmm Tree Brewing Pineapple Wheat Beer) and of course the best egg and bacon sandwich courtesy of Joe at the Globe - err Yumm!

My son Luca and Hobbes after a rock climb.
This is from the saddle heading up towards the Peak.
From Falcon area looking back toward the Big White Peak.

Heading down but looking up toward Gem Peak.

The easy out from T-Bar (I think) - still snow!
Yours truly.

An excellent day - and right on your doorstep! How can you not love living at Big White?

And here is the business pitch.

Sólido Properties manages long term, seasonal and guaranteed rental properties at Big White - visit our website and Facebook page for more information, or email direct.

Thursday, 11 July 2013

Big White is AWESOME! Hiking the Mountain.


I set myself a challenge this week, hike up to Rhonda lake everyday.

Today was day 5 - I thought it would be the toughest day, not only am I sore from 4 straight days but I also played intense squash for 1:45 last night. I know what you are thinking "why play squash in a tent?".

Actually I did only Rhonda on Sunday. Monday I did the saddle then up to the Big White summit, Tuesday the Easter Chutes, Wednesday the rockslide at the left of the saddle and today the saddle again. And despite my tent activities it was the least tiring day.

From the Timbers to the top and back again is roughly 10km+, although I have covered 12km and 11km on a couple of days.

I take the dogs - Hobbes (the big dude) and Pixel (the little dude) - they have fun, especially when they find snow or chase critters. As a dog, what else is there but fun outside?

They have never actually caught a critter - these are your not hard core hunting dogs, these are condo pets pretending...

I am not sure they would know what to do, if they ever caught one... The little dude could be a critter...

How many other places is this on your doorstep? And it is quiet. Have you every hiked up Snowden in Wales? There must be thousands of people every day - believe or not there is even a train to the top...

This is looking at the back from the saddle.

And in the Winter, but from the other direction, confused?
Rhonda Lake of course, looking small.

I lived in Kelowna, South East area and it was okay. When I wanted to go for a run I would jump in my car with the dog, drive 5km to Crawford Trails, the same  when finished. At Big White I walk out my door...

And the temperature is better for me, I am a cool person, well not really but I like a cooler environment. I get that here, I don't need AC and if I want to jump in a lake there it is :) Maybe you will see a bunch of kids in there on Saturday, maybe.

Anyway, enjoy Big White, and get out onto the mountain... It is Awesome!

Big White is AWESOME!!! Thinking of coming to Big White for a season...? And you're nervous...? Part Duh!

See what I did there with the 'Duh'? Well... "Duh! Of course we did... dumbass." So, I have a little confession. That was ...